No | Name | Rank |
1 | Dr. Khin San Yu | Professor (Head of Department) |
2 | Daw Nwe Nwe Wai | Associate Professor |
3 | Daw Moe Moe Myint | Lecturer |
4 | Daw Swe Swe Hla | Lecturer |
5 | Daw Babi | Lecturer |
6 | Daw Lei Lei Win | Lecturer |
7 | Daw Khin Thet Thet Nwe | Lecturer |
8 | Daw Sandar Lamin Htun | Lecturer |
9 | Daw Nu Yin Win Win | Lecturer |
10 | Daw Thu Zin Lin | Lecturer |
11 | Daw Khin Kay Khing Win | Lecturer |
12 | Daw Aye Moe Moe | Lecturer |
13 | Daw Kyi Kyi Myint | Lecturer |
14 | Daw Saw Win Myat | Lecturer |
15 | Daw Su Su Hlaing | Lecturer |
16 | Tin Maung Thein | Lecturer |
17 | Daw Myat Thet Htwe | Lecturer |
18 | Daw Yin Yin Htwe | Lecturer |
19 | Daw Thein Thein | Lecturer |
20 | Daw Myat Myat Thin | Lecturer |
21 | Daw Thida Aung | Lecturer |
22 | U Thet Zin | Lecturer |
23 | Daw Khine Wai Thwe | Assistant Lecturer |
24 | Daw Ei Ei Khine | Assistant Lecturer |
25 | Daw Khing Me Me Lwin | Assistant Lecturer |
26 | Daw Ju That New | Assistant Lecturer |
27 | U Ahar Khon | Assistant Lecturer |
28 | Daw Tin Yadanar San | Assistant Lecturer |
29 | Daw Thant Thant Thaw | Assistant Lecturer |
30 | Daw Hnin Si That Htar | Assistant Lecturer |
31 | Daw Khaing Nyein Thu | Assistant Lecturer |
32 | Daw Hnin Mon Mon Oo | Tutor |